The 3 Doshas
Kapha - the structural principle
... is characterised by the element water (and also the element earth) according to the teachings of Ayurveda. It is said to have a unifying effect.
Kapha gives firmness, stability and suppleness.
Pitta - the metabolic principle
... is essentially characterised by the element of fire and controls the bodily processes of metabolism and temperature.
According to Ayurvedic teachings, Pitta is the energy that digests and processes not only food but also sensory impressions.
Vata - the principle of movement
... when balanced, provides more energy and enthusiasm, creativity and an alert mind. Ayurveda sees Vata as the force that can shift the position of all things. In this sense, it influences all movement processes in our body as well as the nervous system, circulation, muscles, breathing and metabolism.