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Welcome to our press area

Do you need information? Then you have come to the right place!

Your contact for press requests

Ansprechpartner Presse

Ms Nathalie Fischer

Tel.: +49 2225 / 92 14-113


Up-to-date information about tea, TeaGschwendner and franchising at TeaGschwendner for journalists, bloggers and all interested people!

We would be happy to send you the material you require or arrange an interview with our Tea Tasters, the management or successful franchise partners. Or an exciting and eventful tea tasting, matcha ceremony or journalist event in your editorial office! Do you have any further questions or suggestions or would you like to be added to our press mailing list? We look forward to hearing from you!

Further tea information

Information on the German tea industry:

The German Tea Association is the association of German tea traders. Its comprehensive website offers clearly structured information for journalists, connoisseurs and schools. Journalists can enjoy all the association's press releases on tea online and for download, information on quality assurance and tea, recipes, tea stories and tea pictures for download.

German Tea & Herbal Tea Association
Sonninstraße 28
20097 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 40 236016-34
Fax: +49 40 23601610-11

Commitment to tea:

Tea is nature in all its diversity. The palette ranges from black and green tea to herbal and fruit teas. People have been drinking the world's favourite natural products for centuries. Here consumers can find information on the enjoyment of herbal tea and tea, on contamination with the natural plant constituents pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) and on the tea industry's commitment in this area.

Scientific tea studies:

The "Wissenschaftlicher Informationsdienst Tee" (Scientific Tea Information Service) is aimed at journalists and scientists who want to obtain detailed information on special tea-related topics. Two issues are published per year, each with two articles by independent scientists.

W.I.T. – Wissenschaftlicher Informationsdienst Tee

Press releases (in German)

Coming soon...

Hier erscheint demnächst unsere neueste Pressemitteilung rund um Neuigkeiten aus der TeeGschwendner Teewelt.

Coming soon...

Hier erscheint demnächst unsere neueste Pressemitteilung rund um Neuigkeiten aus der TeeGschwendner Teewelt.

Tee-Neuentdeckung aus Ruanda

Tee trinken für die Umwelt: TeeGschwendner unterstützt in Ruanda Teebauern und ein Aufforstungsprojekt des NABU.

Coming soon...

Hier erscheint demnächst unsere neueste Pressemitteilung rund um Neuigkeiten aus der TeeGschwendner Teewelt.

Coming soon...

Hier erscheint demnächst unsere neueste Pressemitteilung rund um Neuigkeiten aus der TeeGschwendner Teewelt.

Tee-Neuentdeckung aus Ruanda

Tee trinken für die Umwelt: TeeGschwendner unterstützt in Ruanda Teebauern und ein Aufforstungsprojekt des NABU.

Coming soon...

Hier erscheint demnächst unsere neueste Pressemitteilung rund um Neuigkeiten aus der TeeGschwendner Teewelt.

Coming soon...

Hier erscheint demnächst unsere neueste Pressemitteilung rund um Neuigkeiten aus der TeeGschwendner Teewelt.

Tee-Neuentdeckung aus Ruanda

Tee trinken für die Umwelt: TeeGschwendner unterstützt in Ruanda Teebauern und ein Aufforstungsprojekt des NABU.

Challenge results

The participants of the Green Awakening Challenge have successfully integrated Kirstin Meyer's nutrition tips into their everyday lives. 

Green Awakening Challenge

100 participants have tried out the four-week programme in cooperation with certified nutritionist Kirstin Meyer.

Think Global - Act Local! - the winners

The online community voted for the top 3 among the five finalists. The VKJ Ruhrgebiet e.V. from Essen won first place.

Think Global - Act Local!

TeaGschwendner supports local environmental protection initiatives: associations all over Germany could apply.

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Result of our fundraising campaign

Together with our customers, we were able to raise a great sum for children in need during the "Mehr Wert!" (more value) fundraising campaign!

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Press kit

All important information about TeaGschwendner, the company history, our product ranges, our project work and much more at a glance.

Press releases for Loose Tea Day

Coming soon...


For Loose Tea Day 2021, we launched a survey among 7,777 tea lovers and got exciting results.

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On 16.10.2020, loose tea in all its diversity will be celebrated for the first time.

Press releases archive (in German)


Spannende Beiträge von Bloggerinnen und Blogger über Tee und TeeGschwendner.

Again and again, bloggers delight us with enthusiastic posts about our teas and our company. We have put together a small selection of the most beautiful blog posts, enjoy browsing and discovering! (mostly in German)

Anna from is completely enchanted by our Zealong Black and has therefore dedicated a detailed blog post to the "kiwi tea".

Lars from is a big tea fan and dedicates his "Tea of the Month" column to special teas. Our Gunpowder Temple of Heaven is also represented there.

Marijke from tested our all-round carefree presentation service in the Siegburg specialist shop and was thrilled.

Katrin and Susanne from present our team at TeeGschwendner Trier in more detail in their portrait and tell us which tea helps best against the autumn blues.

Jana from also tried out our all-round carefree gift service and was thrilled with the services in the specialist shop in Bonn city centre.

Stephan from compares four Nepalese first flush teas with each other and also has two Chinese black teas in the tasting.